Case study // Victoria Point

Do you Have a Small Space? Perhaps you’re just Starting Out and on a Budget?

The Dentifit design team has the expertise to incorporate space-saving features into your dental or medical design when space is limited.

Whether it’s layout options, cabinetry design, lighting, or colour selections to maximise space usage or enhance small spaces, Dentifit can provide both functional and decorative solutions.

Not only do we have the knowledge to include your specialised requirements, but we can also assist you in planning to add infrastructure to your fit out as your practice grows and as your budget begins to allow it.

This forward-thinking and cost-effective planning could look like beginning with minimal cabinetry and leaving cabinetry out of rooms that are not yet being utilised. Which establishes a practical starting point but also room for growth. 

Victoria Point Family Dental is a great example where these concepts were put into place.

In this start-up practice for Dr. Jae Shin, we incorporated a future OPG room, including radiation shielding design, and installed lead shielding for when the purchase of an OPG machine became viable for the practice.

As this was a 2 chair dental practice, electrical and plumbing infrastructure and flooring were included for the second surgery but cabinetry wasn’t included at this time. However, due to the clever design, these will easily be retrofitted when the second dental chair is installed for operation at a later time.

Maximising the use of space can be done through subtle but effective design options such as pull out bin drawers, recessed broom cupboards, pigeon-hole storage under the reception hob, wall-mounted monitors, glove and mask openings in overhead cupboards and various other elements that can be included in the cabinetry design by the Dentifit Design Team.

The bold use of colour for the reception feature wall is an appealing but simple design element that creates a perfect backdrop and allows the practice signage and pendant lighting to make a statement. 

Victoria Point Family Dental provides an appealing, contemporary, and functional space while still offering room to grow the business in the future.

Dentifit Australia provides the experience and expertise to guide you through your fit out options while also ensuring that you meet your project budget!

To learn more about our medical and dental fit out services, get in touch with us today!


Case study // Glow Health Ascot


Case study// Ashgrove Avenues Family Dental: Part 2